Imedi L Head office

The object is located in Tbilisi at Anna Politkovskaya Str. The building is having a flat roof. As a main construction material is used metal and concrete constructions. It consists of 2 floors. The team of Archidea architects was interested in full refurbishment of the building. The interior design was decided in manner to harmonize and create satisfying cooperation of old and new styles and bring them into balance. This was an easy task for an experienced group such as Archidea team. Facade segments are restored and refurbished and painted. Office rooms were decided to be covered with high-quality laminate strips, with artificial granite tiles in common areas and with ceramic tiles in sanitary zones. On the second floor there are still preserved slabs of natural stone, as well as a marble slab, as well as in the hall of the second floor. Secondary walls are covered with gypsum tiles while main walls are covered with brick. MDF doors were installed between the rooms, and stable doors were installed in the sanitary areas. Industrial lights hanging on the ceiling were installed. Also, the hotel will have a ventilation system, and air conditioning is spacious. In general, the project was accomplished, and the expectations of insurance company was fully in harmony in relation with design and safety.

Project Type



Tbilisi, Georgia






1411 square meters


Insurance company Imedi L

Team Members

Giorgi Kevanishvili, Davit Elizbarashvili, Besik Tutberidze

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